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Debate: "Journalism and Transitions in the Mediterranean" [VO español/inglés] Play

Debate: "Journalism and Transitions in the Mediterranean" [VO español/inglés]

Publicado el 14 de julio 2014
The quarterly journal afkar/ideas (published in French and Spanish by IEMed and Estudios de Política Exterior) has followed change in the Mediterranean throughout the last decade. International journalists and analysts have analyzed the main geostrategic, political, socio-economic and cultural developments in the region in the more than 40 issues which have come off the press since 2003. As of 2011, the journal has applied a journalistic, analytical approach to providing in-depth explanations of the obstacles and successes in the transitions which arose with the Arab Spring. It is a new stage in the region's history which has made clear once again all of the challenges faced by journalism as a profession and by the media. This debate, on the occasion of the journal's tenth anniversary, is an attempt to discuss the key factors in the role played by journalists and the media in the current political era in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East. With the participation of journalists Ethar El-Katatney (Al Jazeera), Carla Fibla (Aish) and Luis de Vega (ABC). More:


  • Debate: "Journalism and Transitions in the Mediterranean" [VO español/inglés]Ver vídeo

    Debate: "Journalism and Transitions in the Mediterranean" [VO español/inglés]

    The quarterly journal afkar/ideas (published in French and Spanish by IEMed and Estudios de Política Exterior) has followed change in the Mediterranean throughout the last decade. International journalists and analysts have analyzed the main geostrategic, political, socio-economic and cultural developments in the region in the more than 40 issues which have come off the press since 2003. As of 2011, the journal has applied a journalistic, analytical approach to providing in-depth explanations of the obstacles and successes in the transitions which arose with the Arab Spring. It is a new stage in the region's history which has made clear once again all of the challenges faced by journalism as a profession and by the media. This debate, on the occasion of the journal's tenth anniversary, is an attempt to discuss the key factors in the role played by journalists and the media in the current political era in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East. With the participation of journalists Ethar El-Katatney (Al Jazeera), Carla Fibla (Aish) and Luis de Vega (ABC). More:
    Publicado el 14 de julio 2014
  • Presentación del libro: "Espérame en el paraíso", por Mayte CarrascoVer vídeo

    Presentación del libro: "Espérame en el paraíso", por Mayte Carrasco

    El acto, organizado junto al grupo editorial Penguin Random House, cuenta además con la participación de Marcel Mettelsiefen, director de documentales, Leila Nachawati, profesora de la Universidad Carlos III y activista, y María Jesús Vega, de ACNUR, con quienes Carrasco participa en una charla coloquio en torno a Siria. Hay una apertura musical con el músico sirio Hames Bitar, y se proyecta, al final el coloquio, el documental "Children on the frontline", la historia de cuatro niños en Alepo. Más info:
    Publicado el 20 de junio 2014
  • Conferencia "Los medios marroquíes en un contexto de cambio"Ver vídeo

    Conferencia "Los medios marroquíes en un contexto de cambio"

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    Publicado el 11 de junio 2014
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